Correspondent Digging into our own right

Whats the project about?

2 April 2021 - 14 June 2021

This project was created for the Dutch website "Correspondent", which features articles about interesting topics from around the world. I developed a storytelling website for an article titled "How we can get out of the trenches of our own right." This may sound a little vague, but essentially, it's about how we form opinions and defend them at all costs due to our moral intuitions. It's a challenging topic to discuss because everyone interprets it differently.

Despite the difficulty of the topic, I am proud of the stunning storyline website I created, which explains this topic quite well with a creative look and feel to support it. The website was developed using HTML/CSS, in the general style of the Correspondent website with a bit of my own touch. I created the animations and illustrations myself using Adobe After Effects and Adobe Illustrator.

Poster despression

Other projects I made

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