Generative art chessboard

Whats the project about?

3 September 2021 - 11 Januari 2022

This project is not just a regular chessboard, it is a generative chessboard art made using p5.js, a code that resembles JavaScript but with some differences. A typical chess game usually lasts a specific number of moves and comes to an end when a player is checkmated, forced to resign, faces a stalemate, forfeits, or agrees to a draw. However, what if we could see all the moves made during the game by drawing a line for each move? That's the idea behind the hidden art of chess, which is showcased in this project.

Although the creator had no prior experience with p5.js, they had to learn it from scratch. With only a little knowledge about JavaScript, the creator watched tutorials, read articles, tried different things out, and sought help from more experienced people. Although JavaScript has a steep learning curve, the creator is proud of what they accomplished and recognizes the importance of having some knowledge about the programming language.

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