
Whats the project about?

2 Februari 2022 - 13 March 2021

The goal of my project was to explore the emotions associated with a specific color and design a website that embodies its essence. After considering different options, I chose black because it's often used without much thought behind it. My aim was to create a mysterious website based on my research.

I wanted to be more creative in my design approach and create a purposeful website, which should always be the goal. I also experimented with design techniques that I typically wouldn't consider, such as a vertical navigation that still provides ample space and clarity about the user's location on the website. The prototype was created using Adobe XD.

While it may not be my most visually appealing design, I appreciate the inventiveness of certain elements on the website. I believe it opens up opportunities that were always present. While finding the best solution for the problem is always the top priority, a creative look and feel should never be overlooked.

Mysterious project images

Other projects I made

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