Samenoud project

Whats the project about?

3 September 2021 - 11 Januari 2022

My assignment was to create a prototype for an application that would help older people who need to move frequently due to COVID-19. The goal was to keep them entertained, happy, and healthy while they stay at home alone.

To address this, I designed an application for Smart-TV that allows people to exercise together from the safety of their own homes. Users can see and hear each other on the screen, helping to combat loneliness. The application is controlled by voice and phone, making it easier to use for older people thanks to its natural language interface. I created the prototype using Adobe XD.

One of the biggest challenges I faced was creating a logical and usable connection between the user's phone and their Smart-TV. I had never designed for Smart-TV or worked with voice controls before, but I was able to overcome these obstacles. Although this is only a prototype, it looks fantastic and I would love to see it put to the test in the real world.

Samenoud project images

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