What's the project about?

26 January 2023 - 8 February 2023

I recently completed a small project called The project was aimed at promoting the "paddle-challenge", a program designed to teach people how to surf.

The website I created is focused on the benefits of surfing beyond just being a sport. Surfing can be a relaxing and stress-relieving hobby with both physical and mental health benefits. I created this website to support the "paddle-challenge" program and encourage more people to try surfing by offering an online course.

While the online course is not free, it provides a flexible learning experience for beginners to learn the basics at their own pace.

In summary, is an interesting blog post that aims to spark people's interest in surfing and motivate them to buy the online program. The website was created using HTML/CSS and through this project, I also learned about the importance of SEO in making the website more visible on search engines like Google.

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